Lettuce Coral

Agaricia spp.

A family of lettuce corals that differ in growth forms.  Most often in protected areas of both dead and living reef structures.   Depths from as shallow as three feet.

Lettuce Coral - Agaricia spp.
Lettuce Coral - Agaricia spp.
Lettuce Coral - Agaricia spp.
Lettuce Coral - Agaricia spp.
Lettuce Coral - Agaricia spp.
Lettuce Coral - Agaricia spp.
Lettuce Coral - Agaricia spp.
Lettuce Coral - Agaricia spp.
Lettuce Coral - Agaricia spp.
Lettuce Coral - Agaricia spp.
Lettuce Coral - Agaricia spp.

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