Orange Claw Hermit Crab
Calcinus tibicenA small, common hermit crab that congregates under loose rocks and reef recesses during the day. They are easily over-looked because they are only about an inch long. They have white-tipped eye stalks and black eyes. Their legs vary in color form marron, red, orange and blue. The left claw is larger than the right. (So they are known as left-handed crabs). The crab uses his large claw to protect his shell opening and fend off preditors. Until they have reached their full size, they and other hermit crabs, look for larger shells when they've outgrown the one they're in. They prefer the discarded shells of the West Indian Murex and trumpet snail shaped shells, becuse of the more horizontal opening (as in the first 6 pictures) The will use the spiral topsnail shells if they can't find something more suitable. Can be found is shallow or deeper water. The Crabs were not taken out of the water to photograph them. These pictures were all taken underwater.